Non-Profits: Expand Your Impact Starting Today

At Xpress-pay, we appreciate the vital roll you play in the community and in the lives of those you serve. Let us return the favor starting today.

How Digital Donations Work for Non-Profits

Accept Donations Any Time, From Anyone, Or Anywhere 

Receive donations from any of your campaigns, any time, anywhere, and from anyone. Simply place a hyperlink, button, or QR code in the campaign, and track their progress to see what's working for you and your constituents.

While You're Helping Others, Let Us Help You!

Here are some of the many benefits you'll enjoy after opening a FREE account with Xpress-pay.

Increase Donations

We provide numerous ways to accept online, mobile, and automated donations and payments to help you reach more people with your cause.



Improve Cultivation

With every transaction, you’ll have instant access to all donor information, including name, email, zip, etc. so you can keep in regular contact with them.

Reliable Security

No need to worry about security, as all your transactions are processed with the same high level security and encryption offered by major banks.



Friction-Free Donations

No matter how or where you want to connect with donors, we give you various ways to transact that make the transactions simple and convenient.

Have A Question?

Connect with our team here to learn exactly how Xpress-pay will work for your business, get help making a payment, or technical support now. Simply submit your question and we'll connect you with the right person.

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  • Sales
  • Payment Assistance
  • Technical Support
  • Accounting
  • Business Development